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Reminder and Demand for National Health Insurance Premiums


Those who receive any of the following documents and a payment form have past due unpaid insurance premiums.



Reminder Letter


If payment is not made by the due date, this document will be sent within 30 days from the due date.



Demand Letter

If payment is not made even after the reminder letter is sent, this document will be sent.

The title of the document may also be as follows:

・納付催告書(のうふ さいこくしょ)

- Payment Demand Letter

・堺市国民健康保険料の納付について(催告)(さかいし こくみんけんこうほけんりょうの のうふについて(さいこく))

- Payment of Sakai City National Health Insurance Premiums (Demand)

・最終催告(さいしゅう さいこく)

- Final Demand


Please pay your insurance premiums by the designated due date by bringing the payment form to a financial institution or a convenience store, or by mobile payment by scanning the barcode on the payment form with your smartphone.

Payment with a payment form (Japanese)

Please note that it may take a few days to two weeks for the City to confirm the payment, and thus you might receive the above document after you have made a payment.


If you continue to fail to pay your insurance premiums, your salary or savings may be subject to seizure. The seized property will be unable to be freely disposed of.


Inquiries (Japanese only)

Please contact the Health Insurance and Pension Division of the ward office in the ward where you currently live (or the ward where you previously lived if you have moved).

Contact information for the Health Insurance and Pension Division in each ward


Phone number

Fax number


(072) 228-7413

(072) 228-7539


(072) 270-8189

(072) 270-8171


(072) 287-8108

(072) 287-8621


(072) 275-1909

(072) 275-1908


(072) 290-1808

(072) 290-1813


(072) 258-6743

(072) 258-6894


(072) 363-9314

(072) 363-0020

Overview of Sakai City National Health Insurance

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