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A body is from here.



Location Mozunishino-cho 3, Kita-ku

Kojiyama Kofun was a keyhole-shaped burial mound located close to the southwestern edge of Nisanzai Kofun. Facing west, the mound was 50.5 meters long, with the round portion 37 meters in diameter and the square portion 18.5 meters wide.
The rear round part had a main burial facility made of clay, with its size 3 meters long and 2.2 meters wide.
The existence of fukiishi and haniwa has been confirmed. The mound is precisely in the shape of scallop shell, and there was a moat surrounding it.

The mound's overall length is 50.5 meters and the diameter of the rear circular portion is 37 meters. The front square portion is 18.5 meters wide and faces west.

A clay burial chamber measuring more than 3 meters in length and 2.2 meters in width was uncovered in the rear circular portion of the main part of the mound. There are stone buttresses , clay figures and a moat surrounding the entire burial mound.


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