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A body is from here.



Location Mozusekiun-cho 3, Sakai-ku

Hatazuka Kofun is located inside Daisei Park in Mozusekiun-cho. Its burial mound measures approximately 57.9 meters, with the rear round part about 41.5 meters in diameter and 3.8 meters high and the front square about 24.7 meters wide and 1.3 meters high. This keyhole-shaped burial mound is precisely categorized as a scallop shell-shaped kofun. There is tsukuridashi near the southern constricted part of the front round portion. Facing west, it is built in two tiers, and a horseshoe-shaped moat encircles the mound.
Since no full excavation have been done yet, the structure of the main burial facility and its mortuary goods have not been revealed. However, the existence of fukiishi and haniwa has been confirmed, and cylindrical and morning glory-shaped haniwa as well as representational haniwa of shield shape and sunshade shape have been unearthed.
It is one of national historic sites.


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