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A body is from here.



Location Ishizu-cho 2, Sakai-ku

Located in the most southwestern part of the Mozu Tumulus Group, Chinooka Kofun is a keyhole-shaped burial mound, facing south. Most of its front square part has been destroyed and become a residential area. Originally, it was a large keyhole-shaped mound with the overall size of 155 meters long, and it is ranked as the sixth in size among the Mozu Tumulus Group.
Almost fully remained rear round part is approximately 94 meters in diameter and 14 meters high. An excavation of the bump on top of the round part was conducted in 1972 and the existence of a stone-structured coffin was discovered. Bracelet-shaped jasper stone items were unearthed around the bump as well, and it’s been confirmed as the oldest burial mound among this tumulus group. Also, the existence of fukiishi, haniwa and the surrounding moat has been revealed. The moat has been reclaimed, and now houses and factories cover the area. However, it appears to have been a big-scale moat with the widest part approximately 30 meters on the western round part.
It is one of national historic sites among the Mozu Tumulus Group.


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