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3D Comparison of the 3 Great Tombs

Comparison of the 3 Great Tombs

Comparison of the 3 Great Tombs

Daisen Tumulus (Nintoku-ryo Tumulus ) 1,400,000m3
Khufu Pyramid 2,600,000m3
Shin Tomb 3,000,000m3

Note: Figures of Daisen Tumulus(Nintoku-ryo Tumulus ) represent the central main portion above water.

Please compare the sizes of the above diagrams. Click below for an explanation of each tomb.

If you have VRML please click on the diagrams below You will be able to view the images from any angle you wish

If you do not have VRML (VRML Plug-in Info), please click here
For VRML operating instructions, click here
(displayed images differ from the actual tombs)


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