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National Pension Exemptions


National Pension Payments Before and After Giving Birth

Payment of contributions to the National Pension before and after giving birth will be exempted upon notification. The exemption period will be considered the same as payment. Additional payments can still be made during the exemption period.

  • Exemption period: 4 months from the month before the expected/actual date of birth (for multiple births, it will be 6 months from 3 months before the month of expected/actual date of birth)
  • Eligibility: Primary insured person (daiichigo hihokensha)

To apply, please bring in your pension booklet or My Number card/My Number Notification card or other personal identification and mother-child health book with which the expected/actual date of birth can be confirmed to the Health Insurance and Pension Division at your local ward office from 6 months before the expected date of birth.
*Any pregnancy 85 days and over (around 4 months) is counted, including premature birth, stillbirth and miscarriage.

Postponement of National Pension Payment for Students

Students who earned an income of 1.28 million yen or less (threshold different for those with dependents or permanent employment) last year are eligible for a postponement of payment of contributions to National Pension. The period under this system counts towards the normal obligation time but is not reflected in your pension amount. Furthermore, if you happen to get a disability due to an injury or sickness in this period, you may be eligible for disability pension if you meet certain requirements.
To apply, please bring your pension booklet or Basic Pension Number, My Number card/My Number Notification card or other personal identification and student ID to the Health Insurance and Pension Division at your local ward office. If you are continuing use of this system, please simply return the postcard when sent to you.


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