Large garbage (fee),Non-burnable small garbage (free)【Phone call necessary to arrange pickup
Large garbage
is consumer durables etc. whose maximum length or diameter exceeds 30 cm.
※Refer to the major large garbage disposal fee list on pages 9 to 10 for disposal fees.
Non-burnable small garbage
is non-combustible or composite materials of a maximum length of 30 cm or less that is not on the major large garbage disposal fee list.
Non-burnable small garbage (example)
- Ceramics such as rice bowls, cups, vases and dishes
- Small home appliances such as irons, clocks, watches and dryers
- oil cans, paint spray cans etc.
flower pot
clock, watch
earthen pot
4-liter oil can
How to discard
Apply for garbage collection via the following procedures.
Step 1 Call the large garbage collection reception center.
Free call:0120-00-8400
General call:06-6485-5048
(Call the general phone number when using a cell phone or IP phone.)
Reception days:Mondays to Fridays (National holidays ok)
Reception time:9:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m.
Holidays:Saturdays, Sundays, year-end and new-year holidays
※Caution: Collection date is during the week following that in which you call.
Large garbage collection reception center will
- ask applicant's address, name, phone number, info on items (type, size, quantity)
- inform applicant of collection date, reception number and fee
Step 2 Purchase "Large garbage disposal ticket".
Sample of large garbage disposal ticket
Purchase a large garbage disposal ticket at convenience store or agricultural cooperative office that posts a sign saying「粗大ごみ処理券取扱所」(Large garbage disposal tickets available).
※Disposal of non-burnable small garbage is free, so it does not require a disposal ticket.
Major places where you can buy large garbage disposal tickets:
Seven Eleven, Circle K Sunkus, Family Mart, Lawson, Daily Yamazaki, MINISTOP, am/pm, Coco Store, agricultural cooperative office, Semboku Railway service center, Heart In, All One etc.
※Caution: Large garbage disposal tickets can not be reissued or refunded.
Step 3 Place large garbage or non-burnable small garbage at the designated location.
Fill in the collection date, reception number and your name on the large garbage disposal ticket, put the ticket on a clearly visible part of the large garbage, and place the garbage at the designated place by 9:00 a.m. on the designated date.
※Non-burnable small garbage should be put in a 45 liter bag. Up to three bags may be discarded per pickup.
- Keep the large garbage disposal ticket papers until the collection is finished.
- Collection time is 9:00 a.m. or later. No requesting of collection time.